Practical help for ministry with special needs children, foster kids, children who have been through trauma, and others with challenging behavior.
Within the pages of this book, the reader will find practical strategies for typical issues that children’s ministers face each week. From the minor disruptions to the major behavior challenges, this book has real life solutions that the author has successfully used again and again. Each lesson includes practical solutions, tips of the trade, real-life stories, games that teach, and application activities and questions to help you apply what you learn to the ministry you serve in.
This guide is unique because it contains strategies from three worlds that are usually kept separate: The science of behavior (Applied Behavior Analysis), education, and biblical teaching to create a whole training that will meet the needs of ministries who have the desire to bring all children to Jesus whether they come from a trauma background, from a troubled home life, have special needs, or have been raised in church. This book has proven strategies to manage behavior and change the environment of a roomful of kids so that children’s ministers can spend less time bringing order to the class and more time bringing the children to Jesus.
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